Thanksgiving jokes and puns are classic, and they happen to be the most useful at a perfect time of the year. When everyone is gathering together and cooking food, some good jokes or puns are exactly what you need to …
The list of birthday puns and birthday jokes is a long one. After all, people have been having birthdays (and getting teased for aging) forever! So if you’re looking for a way to mess with the birthday boy/girl, having some …
There are so many funny egg puns and jokes out there that it took us a while to find the best ones. But what we came up with is eggs-ellent. Eggs have been a part of comedy for quite some …
Wait what? Neck jokes? Neck puns? Super random. But funny. When we found out that tons of people look for neck jokes each month, we were pretty surprised. But like the selfless humor servants we are, we got to work. …
There are so many funny doctor jokes and puns out there that it was a little hard to pick our favorites! After all, these are classics. Something about going to the doctor’s office resonates with everyone. On some level we’re …
Boat puns and boat jokes might not be the first things that come to mind when you’re trying to think of something funny. But they should. There’s nothing like some good ship puns and jokes to spice things up. If …
Fridge puns and jokes are classic. There’s nothing like hearing “Is your refrigerator running? Well then you’d better go catch it!” to restore your faith in humanity. That’s why this was one of the first lists of puns we put …
Photography puns and jokes are downright funny. You can’t deny it. There’s something about the associated words that makes it too easy (and a bunch of fun. You have a ton of options to play with words and craft some …
Having some funny exam jokes and puns memorized can help you take the edge off on test day. When everyone else is silently freaking out and wondering if they prepared enough, you’ll be confident. Because instead of cracking open that …
It’s always a good idea to have some solid dance puns and dance jokes handy. Dancing is a part of life (for some people), and there’s a good chance that you’ll be forced to partake in it at one point …
Penguin jokes and penguin puns are funny. There’s no denying it. And why wouldn’t they be? These little birds are hilarious! When you watch them waddle around and move their silly arms you have no choice but to smile (unless …
There are so many amazing leg puns and jokes out there that it’s hard to believe we hadn’t heard any of them until now! I guess we should get some new friends or something. Some of them are quite clever, …
Chess is a timeless game that has been around for ages. But when many people think of it, they think of a stuffy (and slightly boring) game. But that’s not true. In fact, there are a ton of funny chess …
There are a surprising amount of funny construction jokes and puns out there. We didn’t believe that this was a particularly funny topic at first, but we were quickly proven wrong (you’d think we would know better by now). When …
Funny nut puns and jokes don’t have to be dirty. In fact, most of them can be told to your grandparents! And there’s never been a better time in human history to share them. With more and more people shunning …
Funny heart puns and jokes never get old. You can either use them literally, or toss them in when the topic of conversation shifts to love and relationships (it always does). Either way, having some of these memorized will give …
Having some funny hat puns or jokes handy is critical. It can be a great way of poking fun at your friend who insists on wearing something outlandish, or a subtle way of pestering someone who won’t take off their …
If you’re looking for a list of funny robot jokes and puns, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve always found robots to be oddly hilarious (we can’t be the only ones). There’s something about their simplistic genius and efficiency …
Funny rain jokes and puns are incredibly useful. Knowing some is probably better than being able to balance a checkbook these days! Why? Think about it. What do people do when they don’t know what to talk about (but feel …
Ah yes, nothing like a dying industry to make fun of. Theater jokes and puns are still funny now, but it won’t be long until kids are asking you “what’s a movie theatre?” and giving you a complete existential crisis. …
Phones are everywhere these days. Everywhere you look, all you can see is these darn kids staring down at their mobile devices. WHY DOESN’T ANYONE LOOK UP ANYMORE?? Ok. Old person rant aside, phone puns and phone jokes are actually …
Even though these little critters might freak you out, spider puns and jokes can still be quite funny! And if you’re someone who is scared of spiders, a good pun can be just the thing to calm your nerves. Thinking …
Funny shoe puns and jokes can be used pretty much anywhere. After all, what sort of monster doesn’t wear shoes? Not only that, but these puns are pretty darn clever. Even if they received some groans at first, you’ll know …
Fire puns and fire jokes might not seem funny at first. After all, fire can be dangerous. But they are. Not only that, but there are plenty of fire situations that are perfect for you to use them! Campfires or …
Clown jokes and puns can be a little on the nose at first, but they’re good fun once you dive right in. Clowns are a part of pretty much everyone’s childhood (even if you’re terrified of them), so it only …
Salt puns and jokes are a deceptively fun trick to bring to the dinner table. If you’re looking for something to chat about (or a little cheesy icebreaker), these can be quite handy! In fact, once we started putting this …
Train puns and jokes are surprisingly funny. When we first started to put this list together, we were skeptical. But then we quickly picked up steam. If you don’t believe us, scroll through this list and see for yourself. You’ll …
Sleep puns and jokes are universal. We’re all tired these days (Netflix > sleep), so it’s something we all have in common. That means there are endless opportunities to complain or brag about how little sleep you’re getting (there are …
Time puns and jokes are actually rather funny, and can be used in a wide variety of situations. Unlike some of the more random pun topics we’ve covered on this site, time can be brought up anywhere! There’s no escape. …
We thought potato puns were a little random at first, but it started to make more sense once we started putting together this list. Potatoes are kind of funny. They look funny, the name is kind of funny, and some …
If you’re looking for a massive list of funny flower puns, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve scoured the internet and taken submissions from hundreds of people to put together the lovely work of art you see below. The …
Funny chicken puns are absolutely timeless. There’s something about these little creatures that’s just hilarious! The way they strut around and make funny noises is always fun to watch. Not only that, but they’re really a part of our everyday …
Ice can be extremely annoying, but ice puns are the exact opposite! Sometimes the only thing that can soften the blow of slipping or freezing your tail off is a good pun. Just imagine: You’re walking to your car in …
There are a lot of unique space puns out there. Some are funny, some are cute, and others are just bad (in a good way). If you’re a space nerd (like we are) and you’re looking for some space puns …
There’s something about skeletons that’s just funny. We know it might sound morbid, but there’s something about that big ole’ grin that we can’t help but enjoy. And that’s what made creating this list of funny skeleton puns so much …
We’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors lately, so putting together this list of funny plant puns was quite appealing! And we had a great time. You can use these when you’re gardening, going for a walk, cooking (thyme), …
This list of the best funny bread puns really surprised us. We went into this thinking that there would only be a few good ones out there. And we were wrong. As you can see, we actually came up with …