There are so many funny music jokes, puns, and one-liners out there that it’s hard to know where to begin. The scale is quite impressive. We took our time trimming down all of the possible options to come up with …
Fork jokes and fork puns are always a blast. We use these utensils almost every day, so why not find a little humor in them? We were pleasantly surprised by the number of great fork puns and jokes out there. …
When we were putting together this list of concrete puns and concrete jokes, we were surprised by just how funny they were! This wasn’t a topic that we were expecting to laugh repeatedly from, but we were wrong. We hope …
Kitchen puns and kitchen jokes are fantastic for a couple reasons. First, they’re just downright funny. And second, you can use them whenever you want! We’re constantly eating (or thinking about eating), and spend a ton of time in our …
It’s always enjoyable to tell a funny bank joke or bank pun. These massive institutions have so much influence on our lives (and can be quite frustrating to deal with), so it’s nice to poke fun at them from time …
Camera puns and camera jokes are often overlooked in the joke-telling community. Everyone rushes to trendier topics, but forget just how great these ones can be! We hope these camera puns and jokes will give you a flash of joy …
There are so many great television puns and television jokes out there that it’s hard to know where to start. Whether we like it or not, TV is a core piece of our culture these days, and everyone has something …
Mime jokes and mime puns are absolutely hilarious. There are so many to choose from, because people have been telling them for many years! This might have been our favorite list to put together. We’ve been repeating these mime jokes …
Mirror puns and mirror jokes are some of our favorites. They can be unbelievably clever, and will never fail to bring a smile to your face. On top of that, there is always an opportunity to use them. As self-conscious …
Boot puns and boot jokes have been around forever, and it makes sense. There was a time when boots were the main form of footwear! Because of that, there are plenty of hilarious ones to pick from. This list of …
Without a doubt, key puns and key jokes are some of our favorites. We’ve sifted through a lot of wisecracks over the years, but there’s something about keys that continue to be hilarious. We hope this list of funny key …
There are a ton of funny toe jokes and toe puns out there, which surprised us. Putting together this list took way longer than we thought it would! Lucky for you, that means there’s plenty of good stuff below. You’ll …
Tent jokes and tent puns are simply hilarious. You can make them as silly or clever as you want and still get a laugh! This list of tent jokes & puns will give you plenty of great ideas that you …
Oyster puns and oyster jokes are always a favorite and consistently get laughs no matter where you are. There’s something about oysters that is just silly! Take a look through this list of funny oyster puns and jokes and pick …
Jewelry puns and jewelry jokes have been funny for quite some time. Poking fun at the often absurd material obsession with these shiny items is something that never gets old. It doesn’t matter if one of your friends has some …
Bed puns and bed jokes never cease to be funny. Not only are there a ton of opportunities for a play on words, but the concept behind them can be quite clever as well. We’ve been having a great time …
Although it might seem a bit odd, there are plenty of hilarious roof puns and roof jokes out there. This surprised us, but after putting this list together we realized that there’s something about this topic that will always make …
X-ray jokes and x-ray puns are timeless. There’s just something funny about getting scanned by a device that can see right through you. It opens up so many humorous possibilities! We had a lot of fun gathering these funny x-ray …
There are so many funny puzzle puns and puzzle jokes out there that we had trouble picking the best ones! We were researching for hours laughing over and over, only to realize we had barely gotten any work done. Hopefully …
Though it might surprise you, there are a bunch of great grass puns and grass jokes out there. While your lawn might not seem like the funniest topic, it’s actually perfect for structuring a good joke! We promise that you’ll …
There are so many funny shower jokes and shower puns out there that it was hard to know where to start! We had such a large group to choose from that it was hard to avoid getting distracted! This list …
Even though the place itself can be a bit scary, there are plenty of funny hospital jokes and hospital puns that can get you through the experience. Let’s face it, hospitals are kind of bizarre, and there are plenty of …
Calendar puns and calendar jokes are surprisingly witty. There’s something about them that can always get a laugh no matter who you tell them to! Even better, everyone is always checking their calendar for meetings or appointments. That gives you …
There’s something about gambling that’s just funny. Even though it can be a rather addictive habit with a bit of a dark side, stories of losing money in dumb ways always brings a smile to someone’s face. This list of …
There are so many great puns and jokes about bridges that we think it might be the most overlooked humor topic out there! That makes it even more satisfying when you randomly bring up a funny bridge pun that your …
Tulip puns and tulip jokes are classics. Some are innocent and fun, and others are a bit dirty. But at the end of the day, they always bring a smile to your face. This was a fun list to put …
Oat puns and oat jokes are always a blast, especially because people never see them coming. They think of oatmeal as a casual and tasty way to start the day, but the humor is completely lost on them! Here is …
The best Chuck Norris jokes never fail to make people laugh. There’s something about these jokes that continue to have staying power year after year. You would assume that they wouldn’t be funny anymore after so much time in the …
Lobsters have always been kind of a silly animal. You see them staring back at you from the tanks in restaurants, and their funky eyes can always bring a little smile to your face. That’s why we had such a …
Funny corn puns and jokes are plentiful. There’s something about this vegetable that can bring a smile to your face! But it was actually a lot of work to find and pick our favorites. With so many to choose from, …
There are so many funny art puns and art jokes out there that it took forever just to decide on our favorites! We didn’t want this list to be a thousand jokes long after all. But all the effort was …
If you’re looking for some funny mushroom puns and jokes then you’ve come to the right place. While other people spend their time pursuing hobbies, studying, or meeting up with friends, we’ve been scouring the internet to find the very …
Even though it might seem a bit strange, there are a bunch of funny deer puns and jokes out there. Probably all created by bored hunters who’ve been sitting in a tree for too long. But no matter where they …
Funny coffee puns and coffee jokes have been around for quite a while. With such a universal drink, it’s only natural that people would find the humor in it! Personally, we like using these to kill time in line. Maybe …
Pie puns and jokes can be surprisingly clever. For such a classic tool in slapstick humor, many of these actually impressed us! That’s because they can be used as a way to bridge other topics together in ways you didn’t …
We were pretty shocked to find out just how many funny gnome puns and jokes exist. Apparently this is something that people want! Our work on this site never ceases to amaze us. But when we started looking into them, …
Knowing some good fruit puns or fruit jokes can make a big difference during your next meal. Here’s an example: You get dragged to a brunch with a lot of people you don’t know. You’re bored out of your mind …
Funny taco puns and taco jokes are always great. Tacos are just a fun food! They’re crunchy, tasty, and kind of cute. Basically if you don’t like a taco then you’re a monster. So we decided to put together this …