The best Chuck Norris jokes never fail to make people laugh. There’s something about these jokes that continue to have staying power year after year. You would assume that they wouldn’t be funny anymore after so much time in the …
Puns and Jokes Articles.
Ah yes, nothing like a dying industry to make fun of. Theater jokes and puns are still funny now, but it won’t be long until kids are asking you “what’s a movie theatre?” and giving you a complete existential crisis. …
If you’re looking for a massive list of funny flower puns, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve scoured the internet and taken submissions from hundreds of people to put together the lovely work of art you see below. The …

There’s something about a clever and funny baseball pun that people just love. Poking fun at America’s pastime doesn’t get old! It’s so unique and full of tradition (and really slow). How could you not? We hope this list of …
Gujarati Geet / Song Garba Shabd / Full Lyrics Maro Sona No Ghadulo Re… Haan Panida Chalke Chhe Details Actors: Naresh Kanodia, Mallika Sarabhai Singers: Praful Dave, Harshada Rawal Movie: Bhathiji Maharaj Full Lyrics Rang aa chhabi maan purta purta …
Salmon puns and jokes are oddly funny. There’s something about the fact that fish are humorous in general mixed with the various kinds of wordplay you can use from the word “salmon” that makes them great! This list of funny …
Let’s take a whimsical journey across the globe as we delve into some great country puns and country jokes inspired by different parts of the world. From the rolling hills of Ireland to the vibrant streets of Brazil, this light-hearted …
This tasty list of funny cake puns and cake jokes is sure to tickle your taste buds and leave you with a smile. From clever wordplay to witty one-liners, cake puns have become a beloved pastime for bakers, dessert enthusiasts, …
Get ready to have a blast laughing at our silly collection of lamp-related puns and jokes. This list is perfect for decor enthusiasts, jokesters, or anyone who appreciates a good giggle. This list of funny lamp puns and lamp jokes …
There are a surprising amount of funny rock puns and rock jokes that people have come up with over the years. And knowing some of them can be quite handy if you’re trying to bring a little humor to any …
Knowing some funny s’more puns and s’more jokes is essential if you plan on attending any bonfires in the summer. While everyone is sitting around trying to come up with something to say (other than comment on the wind blowing …
Balloon puns and balloon jokes are timeless. These simple little contraptions have filled our minds with wonder and joy for many years, so it’s only natural to come up with puns and jokes about them! Give this list a read …
While it might seem like a strange topic, box puns and box jokes can actually be quite funny. The world is full of boxes, so knowing some of these can come in quite handy! This list of box puns and …
Snail puns and snail jokes have always been funny, because these little critters never fail to bring a smile to your face. There’s really nothing quite like them! This list of great snail puns and jokes will give you plenty …
Knowing some funny alcohol puns and alcohol jokes is incredibly handy. You’ll have so many great opportunities to bring them up, and the people listening might be too inebriated to stop you. Use this power wisely. Putting together this list …
It’s always handy to know some funny goose puns and goose jokes, because these birds are everywhere! And not only that, they’re always raising a ruckus and being feisty. This list of puns and jokes about geese will give you …
As you’d probably expect, there are a bunch of funny soap puns and soap jokes out there. And that actually made it hard for us to pick the best ones! This list was a lot of fun to put together, …
It’s always handy to know some funny bowling puns and bowling jokes, because you never know when you’ll get dragged to play with your friends. And if you’re like us, it can help provide a little extra entertainment for yourself …
Lego puns and lego jokes are hilarious. These little toys are incredibly iconic, and surprisingly funny! We have a lot of fun reading all the great stuff people have come up with before settling on the list below. Give them …
We were blown away by the number of funny cactus puns and cactus jokes we found. These were a blast to read, and we’ve been sharing them with our friends for days. We think you’ll like the ones we collected …
We’ve been enjoying funny peach puns and peach jokes for quite a while now, so we were thrilled when we got the opportunity to put this list together. There’s something about them that never gets old! Give these a read …
It’s always handy to know some knife puns and knife jokes, because they’re all around us! It doesn’t matter if you’re at home or out at a restaurant, knives are nearby. It’s a little unsettling when you think about it. …
It’s always helpful to know some great sun puns and sun jokes, because you always have an excuse to bring them up! That’s probably why people have been telling these to each other for so many years. This list of …
Funny frog puns and frog jokes are absolute classics. These animals are incredibly iconic, and quite funny. Not only do they move around in a silly way, but they make hilarious noises too! Give this list a read and let …
It’s not hard to find some funny farm puns and farm jokes, but we aim higher. We search for the very best. Give this list a read and let us know what you think. We sorted through a TON of …
There are so many funny dinosaur puns and dinosaur jokes that it’s hard to actually find the best ones. That’s why it took us such a long time to make this list! Read through these dinosaur puns and let us …
Yam puns and yam jokes are hilarious, and we honestly aren’t sure why. There’s just something about this food that’s funny! This list of funny yam puns and yam jokes will certainly make you chuckle. We were laughing the entire …
Funny lizard puns and lizard jokes are great because they’re a bit out of the ordinary and unexpected. There are plenty of popular topics to tell jokes about, but lizards aren’t one of them! And that’s what makes it so …
It surprised us at first, but there are actually a lot of funny toast puns and toast jokes. So many that we ended up having to sort through hundreds of them before settling on our selection below! Give this list …
Funny monkey puns and monkey jokes have been told for ages, and they’re not going to stop being hilarious for quite a while. Not only do monkeys have a reputation for being silly, but their close relation to us humans …
As you can imagine, there are a bunch of funny moon puns and moon jokes. It’s something we all know, and it also happens to be a spicy action involving your pants heading south! Check out this list of great …
Finding some funny cello jokes and cello puns was easier than we thought. For such proper instruments, there’s actually a lot of humor around them! Give this list a read and let us know which ones you like the most. …
To our surprise, there are a surprising amount of funny boba puns and boba jokes out there. We didn’t realize so many people found this topic so hilarious! This list of our favorites will give you some great options to …
There are so many great shell puns and shell jokes being told around the world that it was hard for us to pick our favorites. Coming up with this list took a surprising amount of time! Give it a read …
Knowing some funny ketchup puns and ketchup jokes will always come in handy. It doesn’t matter where you eat, ketchup is always around! Give this list a read and see if you find any that you like! Put These On …
Funny coconut puns and coconut jokes are timeless. There’s so much to like about these fruits when it comes to finding humor. They’re goofy-looking, they have a hilarious name, and they’re universally recognized! Putting together this list of coconut puns …
Funny moose puns and moose jokes are great, because these iconic animals are oddly hilarious. Despite their grumpy and dangerous nature (look it up if you don’t believe us), you can’t help but chuckle when you look at them! This …
Fern puns and fern jokes might seem like an odd choice, but they’re surprisingly funny! Sometimes it’s the most random topics that end up being the best! Give this list of fern puns and jokes a list and see if …
While it might seem a bit random, ramen puns and ramen jokes are great to have in your back pocket. Ramen is loved by so many people that it won’t take long for you to find an opportunity to use …
We’ve been a fan of funny pepper puns and pepper jokes for a while. Not only are they hilarious, but you can organically use them pretty much whenever you want! Peppers are such a popular ingredient that it’s hard to …
Funny mango puns and mango jokes have been shared for ages. We’re not sure why, but these fruits are absolutely hilarious! This list of puns and jokes about mangos will give you some great ones to bring up the next …