15 French Fry Puns & Jokes That Are Actually Funny

There’s nothing like a funny friend fry pun or french fry joke to make you laugh (and make you hungry). Believe us, we’ve been struggling with this since we started working on this list!
Give it a read and let us know what you think.
- My mom told me that she would sacri-fries for us.
- What do you get when you cross a bulldog and french fries? A frenchie.
- Why do they call them French fries when they are made in America?
- French fries ketchup after its been a while.
- The southerner walked into the office and said,”It’s Fri-YAY Y’all!”
- My husband told me that he only had fries for me.
- I took a trip to Washington State during the winter. I was frie-sing.
- My teacher would always say that time does fry when you are enjoying yourself.
- Did you know that Thursday is Fry-Day Junior?
- I was at my doctor’s office and we were discussing my weight. He told me not to eat anything fatty. I let him know I love steak, burgers, and french fries. He was getting annoyed with me and said, “Don’t eat anything, Fatty.”
- When I ordered french fries from Burger King the other day, the employee asked, “Small, Medium, or Large?” I asked for a mixture. I wanted all of them.
- Two potatoes fell in love with each other, got married, and had a little sweet potato they called “Yam.”
There was no doubt they wanted Yam to succeed. They discussed the realities of life with her when she became of age. So that she wouldn’t accidentally get mashed, get a bad name like “Hot Potato,” and end up with a lot of Tater Tots, they warned her against going out half-baked. Certainly, no spud would put her in the sack and turn her into a rotten potato. She assured her parents she would not stay at home and become a couch potato.To avoid looking like her shoestring family members, she would exercise frequently to keep up her muscle mass. Her parents both gave her the talk about those potatoes from Europe and the Midwest. Yam was advised to watch out for french fries if she ever decided to travel outside of the country to Europe, and to watch when she traveled west in the states so she wouldn’t get scalloped. Yam stated that they have nothing to worry about as she did not like to get in trouble. She let her parents know she would not associate with the Yukon Golds or those who loved attention and put themselves out there to be advertised as “Frito Lay.” Yam was excited to go to college because when she graduated, she would be a member of the chips. However, regardless of all of the information they gave her and everything they did for her, Yam one day returned home to announce her engagement to Jim Reed. Her potato parents were really upset because he was a common-tator. - A health-conscious man was looking for somewhere healthy to eat. He read a restaurant sign that advertised they serve fat-free French fries. The man was in shock, as he loved French fries but it didn’t always fit his macros. He thought to himself, “This sounds great! It will fit my macros for sure.” He walked into the restaurant and ordered some fries. He was able to watch the cook make the fries. As the cook removed a basket of fries from the fryer, they were covered in oil. The man was so upset, he said, “Those are not fat free! Look at that oil!” The cook replied, “Yes it is. We don’t charge for fat.”
- The local church personnel made the decision to open a fast food restaurant one day to supplement their declining mass attendance. Because they were smart, they divided themselves up so that each person did one job. The local news channel decided to conduct an interview with the restaurant’s staff because it had nothing better to report. The fast food restaurant was doing quite well. As they were wrapping up the interviews, they noticed that one priest, Father Jim, who was in charge of the french fries, did not participate in any interviews. “So that makes you the friar, correct?” the news interviewer inquired. Father Jim responded, “No,I am not, I am the Chipmonk,”
Pass These Around
As you can see, there are plenty of french fry puns and french fry jokes that are actually funny. And on top of that, it’s the perfect topic to know puns about! Everyone loves a good french fry!
If you know any others that you think we should add, send them over.